The Lusaka Zambia women enrichment weekend was held at our church property in Verino Chongwe. It was sponsored by South West Missouri women who tirelessly raised and provided funds to help this event in zambia which was held on 3rd July to 7th July, 2019. The funding was done through Debbie McNeely who was in Zambia and saw the situation that women could not hold the event without a helping hand.
Women's Enrichment programs were held in three areas of Zambia during the first week of July 2019. We have received our first report from the one held in Isoka in northeast Zambia.
Women's Enrichment programs were held in three areas of Zambia during the first week of July 2019. We have received our first report from the one held in Isoka in northeast Zambia.
On June 30, 2019 UCG Zimbabwe pastor Mike Mukarati wrote about Pentecost services in Zimbabwe’s largest congregation, Gokwe. Forty people observed the Feast of Pentecost. Mike Mukarati lives in Mutare 466 miles away to the east on the border of Mozambique.
Bridgette Beam, daughter of Rex and Patty Sexton is featured in this Spotlight Alumni Award video from Orfalea College of Business. It features her work at Google. I had previously posted about Bridgette about an article featuring her standing up for her faith during high school days. Inspiring story!!