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    Sunday March 4, 2017 from Batavia, Ohio
    Sunday May 25, 2020 from Batavia, Ohio

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  • Lena

    Lena VanAusdle has her own TravelPod blog of their stay in Malawi separate from her husband Lewis. She is a good writer! Check this out! (posted Feb 4, 2017)

    Prophetic Timesproduced by Jim Tuck is back. Also, look under "Resources" on the menu bar. (posted January 29, 2017)

    On March 19, 2013 we established the Dennis Luker Memorial Foundation in honor of our dear friend Dennis Luker who died on March 14, 2013. Along with his wife LeeAnn they ardently supported LifeNets education projects and we would like to memorialize his life with future education initiatives.

    Mt. Fuji

    View of Mt. Fujiyama in Japan on my flight from Los Angeles to Hong Kong on Monday January 5, 2015. Follow my Travelpod Blog of my trip to California, Hong Kong and the Phlippines RIGHT HERE.

    Over the years I've collected all kinds of saying - profound and funny.  --  (posted August 17, 2012) 


    "An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity."
    -Winston Churchill

    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."   
    - Margaret Mead

    It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
    - Walt Disney

     Preach always--use words if necessary.
    --St. Francis of Assisi 

    Still some likes to our older website. If you need some of those stories, please go here


    Lewis and Lena VanAusdle's Travelpod blog from Lilongwe, Malawi where they will be living starting the first part of January 2017 (posted January 15, 2017)

    brennan michala

    Brennan and Michala Hilgen arrived in Malawi in February 2017 for a lengthy stay to serve the churches in that country. Read their interesting blog. (posted March 4, 2017)

    Futuristic presentation by Batavia Middle School about Detroit 150 years from now. Thought provoking and imaginative. See more...

    My mother Nina Kubik lived through the 1933 Stalin famine in Ukraine that killed seven million people. I recently found this article in a 1983 issue of the Minnesota Daily News in which she was interviewed about the famine.....50th anniversary of this event.
    (posted December 11, 2011)


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    Copyright © 1999-2017 Victor Kubik