The Lusaka Zambia women enrichment weekend was held at our church property in Verino Chongwe. It was sponsored by South West Missouri women who tirelessly raised and provided funds to help this event in zambia which was held on 3rd July to 7th July, 2019. The funding was done through Debbie McNeely who was in Zambia and saw the situation that women could not hold the event without a helping hand.

(The Isoka, Zambia Women's Enrichment Weekend was held simultaneously -- read report at
The funds were received and distributed to three areas namely Lusaka, Mufulira and Isoka.
In Lusaka area we had a wonderful company of ladies coming from Chipata, Mapoko, Kasumpa, Itumbwe, Nalubanda Situmbeko, nwembeshi and the host Lusaka. 37 women attended and eighteen were unable to come due to various circumstances. The weather was warm during the day and cold at night.
The Theme of the women enrichment was " Arise and Shine" taken from Isaiah 60:1-2.
Welcoming remarks and introduction of the theme was done by Felicia who encouraged ladies to work together as a team in order to succeed. We had nice decorations done by young ladies.
Our daily activities started with physical fitness facilitated by Sara and Josephine. There after, Mrs Jere talked about how we should Arise and Shine, she said that as women in the church we should follow God's laws and walk in the light. Whoever follows Jesus will never walk in darkness.

A number of life skills were presented by our ladies from different congregations, such as hair crochet by Dorcas Daka, jam making by Mrs Tembo, preserving of fresh sweet potatoes by Mrs Katapya, how to cook Lumanda by Mrs Banda, how to brew Tobwa drink by Mrs Musoni, chikanda by Mrs Sakala and making of necklaces and earrings by Felicia.
Christian talk and open discussion on health talk, marriage issues, tithing were facilitated by the following ladies, Dorothy, Mrs Mbai. I talked and shared on the issue of Tithe and offering. Why it is important to Tithe and offer.
Friday afternoon we had a talk from Pastor Talama. He said, women's enrichment was an event very much considered by the church. He said our coming together was as a result of commitment to our God. He likened a woman to be like a basket of a family. It keeps all the things put inside, like a woman who keeps all the people in the home. Young ladies learn from older ladies how to keep the family. A woman is a very important person in a family. Women are submissive, women preach the gospel of peace, preach love and are peace makers. In whatever we do we must put God first.
Sabbath service was held at the same venue. Sermonette was done by Mr Phiri who said that a woman is strong and works hard. They should follow on spiritual things as every woman has a role to play in the church. They should hold on to what they have learnt to avoid gossiping.

Sermon by Pastor Talama who talked about "sin". The old nature can sin, the new nature doesn't produce sin. The first step is to recognize that we are all sinner's Romans 3:23. We have sinned against God by thoughts, through words, deeds or actions. The wages of sin is death Romans 7:12-14.
After service we had lunch together with the brethren from the city. In the evening we had a come together farewell where we had some comments from different ladies who said that the event was a success. We learnt a lot of things that will help us in our Christian journey and live Godly lives.
The Big challenge we have is transport, the church vehicle is too small to ferry people from Lusaka to Verino the church property. Therefore we need a bus because hiring of private buses is very expensive for us.
Once again we wish to thank all the ladies who made it possible for us to hold this important event. May the Almighty God bless you all.
Maureen Phiri