Welcome! Stop by regularly from January - March 2025 for exciting stories on this site
- 2019 Travel to South Africa, Zambia and Malawi April 3-30 April 17, 2019
- Pringles at Feast of Tabernacles October 1996 April 17, 2019When we went to the Feast of Tabernacles in Uvongo, South Africa, we met the Derrick Pringle family. Here’s what I had posted earlier: Greetings from the only UCG family in Zambia…. Cherry and our two sons Macky and Rod send greetings from the copper belt in northern Zambia close to the Zaire. We are in Uvongo, South ...Read more
- We Are First Fruits March 30, 2019by Peggy Huckstep 3-3-2015 Look up! Look up! Look up to the sky, Don’t be weary and wonder why We are the children, beloved of God We are the ones that will be His rod. We’re tested and proven we will not quit! He knows our condition and if we are fit To carry His Word to all nations around His truth will be ...Read more
- ABC 2019 Charity Auction March 25, 2019On Sunday, March 24, the students of Ambassador Bible College held their annual charity auction. This year, they raised funds for the meeting hall and education center being built for the new UCG congregation in Haiti. The completion of that facility will finally provide a meeting place adequate to nearly 100 members there, and by ...Read more
- “The Path” by Megan Lamoureaux March 21, 2019Simple and easy That’s how we want it A life without trouble or fear. To walk without stumbling A path that is smooth A destination that is clear. What will we learn and where will we grow On a path that straight and boring? God has a plan On a path that is winding And up ahead looks like it’s storming. On this path I find The wind ...Read more
- The world God told us of March 13, 2019How much longer must we wait, The world around us is full of hate. He said it would be like this at the end, wars, violence, and strife around every bend. Children would be our oppressors and women would rule, Our leaders would lead us astray He said, many now are very cruel. There is no respect for God these days ...Read more
- Our Country, Our Time March 13, 2019Ezek 9:4 and the LORD said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.” The time has come I am sorry to say, that it’s our country ...Read more
- The Medical Blacklist A True Crime Mystery Thriller March 12, 2019Reading The Medical Blacklist A True Crime Mystery Thriller by Daria Jmill made me realize that her fate could come upon any one of us. Not only would a motor vehicle accident affect her mobility for life, but the loss of dignity that would follow would relegate this person to a painful life that she ...Read more
- NOW! March 10, 2019— by Anne Elliott My heart sings with joy For God my Father Has saved me from death, By His kindness and love. In His goodness and mercy, The Lord of Creation Made for His Son a bride-to-be, Forming man in his likeness, In His image He shaped us In godly symmetry. What is man? He is a MIND, A sentient, reasoning being, Able to exercise freedom ...Read more
- Bridgette Beam (Economics ’08) – GREEN Spotlight Award Winner January 30, 2019Bridgette Beam is in the business of making visions reality. As the Head of Global Programs at Google for Startups, she helps inspire and empower people worldwide to get their businesses up and running. She brings the best of Google’s resources to startups in 125 countries and leads the growth of Campus: spaces where ...Read more