The grass is growing, the trees sprouting leaves and the days are now sunny.
Bees are humming and gathering nectar to make honey.
Flowers are gracing the land, birds are singing their sweet song.
We are shedding our winter wraps and the days are getting long.
The new feast season is starting for us. The Passover is almost here.
It is time again to look at what we have done with the last year.
Have we wasted the time or have we grown?
Can we come before God this year with joy, one less fault be known?
Are we doing the same old things or have we made the changes we need?
When we take the bread and drink the wine, will God be pleased at our deed?
The day is coming when there will be a new earth but now we are God’s Sod.
As the earth is renewed let us be renewed and have a spring pleasing to God.