Welcome! Stop by regularly from January - March 2025 for exciting stories on this site
- Ode to the Feast of 2020 August 7, 2020What will the Feast be like this year? Not like the ones we loved, I fear. We won’t be fellowshipping as before and for less cheer, Some will travel to Feast sites but many will be here. Wherever it is that we keep the Feast, God will be watching to see us share. Whether at a Feast site or still ...Read more
- History of the Worldwide Church of God in Angola May 16, 2020Brief History of IDM (Igreja de Deus Mundial or Worldwide Church of God) in Angola Angola is an African country about twice the size of Texas on the Western side of Africa (south of the equator) facing the Atlantic Ocean and between the Congo, Zambia and Namibia. It was a Portuguese colony (later declared a ...Read more
- Angola July 2019 May 15, 2020Follow our journey on TravelArk at http://v2.travelark.org/travel-blog/victorkubik/26. Along with Jorge and Kathy de Campos, Bev and I will visit our Sabbath-keeping brethren in Portuguese-speaking Angola from July 26-29, 2019. This is the church that we have become very well acquainted with for more than 25 years. They have fully adopted the Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church ...Read more
- How Much Longer Does the World Have to Wait? March 14, 2020How much longer does the world have to wait? It seems that the world around us is full of hate. Politicians can’t agree on anything these days. They fight and argue on everything, just anger stays. Nations squabble over everything from trade to land. They blame everything that happens on someone else’s hand. No one accept blame for the things they ...Read more
- The Holy Days March 3, 2020First comes Passover, it’s not for everyone. It’s for baptized members, and it’s a solemn one. In the Days of Unleavened Bread, we get rid of all the puff. Jealousy, lying, stealing and all that sinful stuff. Next comes Pentecost, after counting 50 days. Appreciating the Holy Spirit in a special way. Then comes Trumpets with seven trumpet blasts. When the last ...Read more
- Our Journey to the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong starting Dec. 17, 2019 December 16, 2019http://v2.travelark.org/travel-blog/victorkubik/28Read more
- GIVING TUESDAY for LifeNets on December 3, 2019 December 1, 2019November 1999 we begin our 21st year as a charity. LifeNets last annual report is posted on line at www.lifenets.org. SOON we will be finishing year 2019 and with that we are entering our 21st year as a charity. Our mission is to help those in need with college scholarships, fresh water, cattle and many other ...Read more
- 2019 Festival in Kalukanya Zambia October 28, 2019Here is a report from one of United Church of God’s most remote Feast of Tabernacles sites. The Feast was held in Kalukanya, Zambia in northeastern Zambia about 600 miles from Lusaka. There is no air service there and the drive is intense from already distant places (for us in the US) But, the ...Read more
- Megan Lamoureaux gives tour of Nkhwazi, Malawi Festival site October 20, 2019
- Mountain of the Lord – PCB Oct 19, 2019 October 18, 2019Mountain of the Lord Oct 19 2019 PCBRead more