Visit with John D. Cooke, former vice-president of McDonald’s Corporation

December 3, 1997

On Wednesday, December 3, 1997 Jim O’Brien, pastor of UCG Cincinnati North and Lexington, KY congregations and I visited with former McDonald’s vice-president and ombudsman, Mr. John D. Cooke. We were guests at his home in Galena, Illinois where he and his wife Marge have retired. Jim O’Brien has been a friend of Mr. Cooke for many years, going back to the time when they both lived in Paducah, Kentucky.

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My visit to where I was born in Germany

In 1985 I wanted to visit refugee camp Lyssenko in Hannover, Germany camp where my parents lived from 1945-1949.  I was born there in October 1947.  From other Ukrainian families who were from the same camp as my parents at camp Lyssenko I got the address and the exact location where my parents lived.  Camp Lyssenko was in the northern part of Hannover, north of the city center.

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