As I sat on my porch in the cool of the day
I heard wild geese calling,
High in the air, with the wind in their wings,
Their echoing voices falling.
Onward they came, a triumphant band,
Each bird fulfilling its role,
Each wingstroke uplifting those flying behind,
Each joy-cry encouraging the whole.
And then they were gone, like a dream in the night,
Surging onward, a new world to find;
But their ringing call kept sounding in my ear,
A soft echoing voice in my mind.
As my heart swelled within at their plaintive refrain
My soul seemed to whisper a thought-
We, too, have left our world behind,
And a new world of hope we have sought;
Together we’re traveling onward, too,
And our journey’s end is near.
Like those geese, I mused to myself,
Our leader’s voice we hear.
“Come to me, unite with me,
Love me, as I love you;
Help me to finish my master-work
To build the world anew.”
We’ve heard the call, we’re on our way,
The race is nearly run.
Keep the pace, maintain your place,
The battle’s almost won!
With the blast of a trumpet and an angel’s loud call,
We’ll fly on the wings of the wind
To the arms of our Savior in the clouds,
And we’ll never be earthbound again!
Have you ever heard wild geese calling?
Does your soul, also, for a new home cry?
Do you envision a grand new world,
And you there by your Maker’s side?
Then look upward and look onward,
Let God’s Life-book show the way;
Let His spirit lift and lead you
From this war-torn world away.
To a world we’ve never seen before
Where truth and mercy reign,
And God’s love, a mighty river flows,
Bringing life to the world again!