Angola July 2019

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Along with Jorge and Kathy de Campos, Bev and I will visit our Sabbath-keeping brethren in Portuguese-speaking Angola from July 26-29, 2019. This is the church that we have become very well acquainted with for more than 25 years.

They have fully adopted the Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God. In Angola, which is a Communist regime, these people have gone through hardships that we are not accustomed to in our Western world. We will hold meetings with their governing council and meet with their leaders.

On the Sabbath, we will be at combined services with 800 brethren in attendance. Overall, in Angola, there are about 6000 members with 50 elders and many congregations with 50-60 members each.

On Sunday, Kathy de Campos and Bev will deliver a presentation to their ladies.

Other meetings will include a discussion with their youth, a question and answer Bible study and a few sessions of leadership training.

Please pray for us to stay in good health in the coming very hot weather. Please pray that we can impart a good gift to our people in this stressed land.

Posted in Africa, UCG.