An Insightful Talk with a Ukrainian-born Congresswoman

February 13, 2024

By Victor Kubik

Since the founding of LifeNets International some 25 years ago, from time to time we’ve met or worked with a number of public figures, including elected officials. Notable of course is our long-time relationship with former Indiana First Lady Judy O’Bannon, who supported LifeNets’ direct connection with the Ukraine-based Revival Centre in Chernihev near Chernobyl.  As many know, I was also able to join the then-First Lady’s extensive formal tour of Russia, back then quite a different nation than today.

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A Conversation With God

Dealing with the anguish of the war in Ukraine.  An extended relative of mine, Tatiana (my cousin Victor's daughter-in-law's brother's wife) sent this most inspiring essay from western Ukraine. She left Kyiv, Ukraine with her 6-month-old son Glib to get away from the rockets and mortars. She left with my cousin Victor and settled with the Kubik family in Dubno in western Ukraine. She writes this moving piece about her feelings about the war. What an amazing spirit!!

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Argentina Sabbatarians – former and upcoming visit

In the autumn of 1996 Ivan Yurishko, my friend from Khust in western Ukraine, a Sabbath-keeper, visited Misiones, Argentina to Sabbath-keepers, many of Ukrainian origin.  I had met with some of these people in Uruguay in 1993 and 1994.  Ivan brought Oleh Pavliy with him, who was the son of Sabbath leader Ivan Pavliy from Rokosovo, Ukraine.  Here are photos from his 1996 visit.  

I will be visiting in this area in late January 2018 with Mario Seiglie and our wives and hope to find some of these people again.  I will report on this after we visit.

-- Victor Kubik

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