Long Long Ago….

William May died on January 1, 2022. What sad news! Over more than three years he sent me nearly 20 poems that always lifted my spirits and with their tone they optimistically evoked God's presence and optimistically kindled my hope.   You can read all of William May's poems at:


I posted his last poem on Dec. 29, 2021. Below is one that I had not published yet, but here it is. The photo is when visiting Chicago in 2018 when I started publishing his work. Here'how he prefaced his last poem...and I leave it in the form he gave it to me.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021, 9:00 AM WILLIAM MAY  wrote: I have been working on this one.

Long Long Ago

Remember the feasts that to us were so dear
Sing again the songs we delighted to hear
Long, long ago

The years have gone by and to new feasts sites we moved
Let us not forget all those old friends we have known
Let us remember those feasts that we loved
Long, long ago

Do you remember the site where we first met
Yes, we remember and will never forget
Long, long ago

Remember the old sites, some we preferred
When ministers spoke, they gave warmth to each word
Still, my heart treasures the wonderful things I heard
Long, long ago, long ago

Posted in Poetry, wdm.