Fred Kellers Tribute
Fred Kellers is leaving for New Zealand this week of November 6, 2017 to help Dan Porteous who is recovering from an illness.
Update from the President August 31, 2017
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik gives reports about HARVEY from people on the ground and what we are doing about it.
LifeNets, Good Works and the United Church of God
At the August 23, 2017 Council of Elders meetings a “review” was done of the long-standing work of LifeNets (1999) and Good Works (2003). This presentation well explains it. More at
Update from the President August 24, 2017
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik talks about some of the recent Council of Elder meeting highlights, including a vigorous discussion about Good Works and LifeNets.