Feb 10, 2018 Prophetic Times – Brexit fallout, EU realigning, China sending 300,000 troops towards N. Korea….

Greetings from Phoenix,

With Brexit the European Union seemed doomed, but the EU is expanding in the an area long neglected by the West.  The EU’s wavering political commitment to future membership of the six Balkan countries has caused many people in the region to lose hope.  The EU strategy aims to turn the tide and push the region towards EU membership and deep transformation.

The EU is offering Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia membership in the union by 2025.  Other nations are under consideration in an EU expansion.  It seems the European Union is morphing as Britain seeks to exit the EU.  
There is an article concerning the Balkan states in this issue of the Prophetic Times.  The beast power is morphing and expanding with Germany taking the lead.
Attached is the PT.  Please have a wonderful Sabbath!
Kind regards,

Jim Tuck

Until Forever

Bev and I came across Faith-based movie Until Forever.  We were looking for a movie that was a true story and found this on Amazon Prime for free.  We almost passed over it, but sure glad we didn't!    

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December 2017 South Africa Family Camp and ABC

United Youth Camp and Ambassador Bible College Sampler, South Africa: 24 to 31 December 2017
Following on from the success of the UYC Camp held in 2016 the 2017 camp was planned. The 2016 camp combined pre-teens and teens into one camp allowing parents of pre-teens to attend with their young children. This also raised the idea of an Ambassador Bible College Sampler being done in conjunction with the 2017 camp. Allowing the parents to be occupied during camp activities as well as any other adult members wishing to attend.