Vasyl Umanets was pastor of Sts. Volodymer and Olga Ukrainian Orthodox Church in St. Paul, Minnesota during my childhood and teen years. He made a great impression on the youth. He was so involved in the horrors or World War and revolution. He was a learned man and very good to talk to us teens. I had various discussion about my questions about the Sabbath with him and he listened, but could answer my questions and concerns.
He was a participant of the battle at Kruty, member of the 1st Ukrainian Military School named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky, participant of the All-Ukrainian Orthodox Church Council October 14-30, 1921, protopresbyter of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA, and pastor of the parish of Saint Michael Архистратига in Baltimore (1960–1970).
He is buried beside his wife in a cemetery in Minneapolis (I think it’s St. Paul, though)