Welcome! Stop by regularly from January - March 2025 for exciting stories on this site
- Update from the President July 27, 2017 July 27, 2017In this update from the president, Victor Kubik mentions the Beyond Today recordings in Europe, a visit from UCG Russian language coordinator and translator, Jorge and Kathy de Campos trip to Angola and Australia UCG streaming radio.Read more
- Update from the President July 20, 2017 July 23, 2017In this update from the president, I share insight into the Beyond Today recordings that are currently taking place in Germany. I also gives some updates on what is going on in various places such as camps happening, the memorial for Lucretia Kellers, wife of Fred Kellers, and visits in Lilongwe, Malawi. Lastly, I talk ...Read more
- Prophetic Times July 22, 2017 July 22, 2017Pope speaks of World Government, Iran threatens US bases in the Middle East, North Korea to fire missile from subRead more
- My Visit to Mother’s Hometown, U.S.S.R. Plain Truth August 1989 July 13, 2017My Visit to Mother's Hometown, U.S.S.R. Plain Truth August 1989Read more
- Update from the President July 6, 2017 July 12, 2017Undercover BossRead more
- A Poem From and Story About Artur Aleksandrov in Estonia July 7, 2017Artur Aleksandrov lives in Tallinn, Estonia. Bev and I first visited him in January 2009. I write about this on my TravelArk blog at http://v2.travelark.org/travel-blog-entry/victorkubik/8/1233377700. He is Russian and speaks excellent English. He has a heart to help and serve. I also told his story in our Eastern European newsletter https://kubik.org/ucgee/June%2030,%202009/june%2030-09.htm ...Read more
- Colombia United Youth Camp 2017 July 3, 2017For the third year, the 2017 Colombian United Youth Summer Camp was held at the Hotel San Gil del Campo just outside of the city of San Gil, Santander, Colombia from June 22-27, 2017. This was our fifth consecutive year for camp in Colombia, with a total of 16 campers, 6 staff from Colombia, and ...Read more
- Parable of the Unjust Steward June 29, 2017Intro: Do you have a scripture, or several verses, that are hard to understand? Read Luke 16:1-8 SPS: How are we to understand these verses? Background: Book of Luke has passages throughout on money, greed, the poor (Luke 12…beware of covetousness, rich man who built bigger barns, Luke 14….when you have a dinner invite those who can’t repay ...Read more
- Vic and Bev Kubik’s Spring 2017 Flowers June 24, 2017These are some of the flowers that we have enjoyed during the spring of 2017 at our home and at the Cincinnati Nature Center. Batavia and Cincinnati Ohio Click or tap on photos for slideshow ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Read more
- Myanmar 2017 Pentecost in Taungoo Report June 24, 2017Also, Ian and Julia Stewart’s 2016 Spring Holy Day trip to the same location in Taungoo.Read more