Prophetic Times December 2, 2017 from Jim Tuck

Greetings from Phoenix,
The dominant topic in the media has been sexual harassment in the workplace chiefly in Hollywood and Washington D.C.

with women coming forward to name their abusers. In the private sector company heads have been forced to resign or have been fired, but in politics, this is not the case.  This ties into the words Isaiah was inspired by God to write anciently: 

"Alas, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evil doers, children who are corrupters!  They have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked to anger the Holy One of Israel, they have turned away backward. why should you be stricken again?  You will revolt more and more.  The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faints.  From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it, but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores;  they have not been closed or bound up, or soothed with ointment."  (Isa. 1:4-8)

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Opiod/Heroin Epidemic in Southern Ohio

At our October 17, 2017, Batavia, OH Rotary meeting Newtown Police Chief Tom Synan who is also the co-chairman of the Hamilton County Opiate Task Force was our guest speaker. He spoke about the heroin epidemic in Southwest Ohio.  It was an eye-opening presentation about a serious drug problem killing at an accelerating rate right here where we live. 

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Prophetic Times November 11, 2017

This week United States President Trump is visiting with Chinese President Xi, and both are trying to present a united front as they hash out differences over trade and the growing problem of  North Korea.  
North Korea is one of several nations which holds the potential of sparking the next world war.  North Korea will no doubt by a part of the great eastern hordes which will play a large role in the coming end time conflict. (Dan 11:44, Rev 9:16)
It would stand to reason with the huge numbers of China (1.3 billion) that they would be included in hordes who will be involved in the war in the final conflict prior to the return of Jesus Christ.  China currently is indeed stepping up the development of military power and striving to assert itself as a power in the Southeast Asian theater.
Another area to watch centers around Iran and Saudi Arabia as there is an expectation there will be a major conflict soon.   Some are predicting a bloody war.  If Iran was able to bring down the Saudi regime Iran, Syria, Hamas, and others would be emboldened to attack Israel.  
Any war between the Saudis and Iran could be a catalyst for the formation of the King of the South which will play heavily into the scenario foretold by the prophet Daniel.
We don't know exactly how prophecy will unfold,  but, as we get closer to the end of the age, we will be able to see which way events are leading.  Christ warned us to watch so we are not drawn way to the distractions of this world such that we neglect our spiritual condition, and we are caught unaware. (Lk 21:34)
Jim Tuck

A Day of Salvation

Betty Randle from Eden Prairie, MN, who our family has known for 50 years just sent me this poem.  She wrote it for the arts and crafts exhibit at the Wisconsin Dells Festival site next week.  She says she writes poems like this most every year and I wanted to share it with you. 

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Coleman and Heather Gidcumb

Bev and I are very happy for our niece Heather Kubik and Coleman Gidcumb who were married on September 22, 2017 in High Country Orchard in Colbert (Spokane area), Washington. Seeing Heather marry into such a fine family was very joyful for us to experience.  Both hold upright values and their marriage will be a success.

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