Prophetic Times December 23, 2017 Jim Tuck
Greetings from Phoenix,
Increasingly, the United States is standing alone in our decisions among the nations, and an example of this is the move of Israel’s capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The U.N. recently voted unanimously to disavow U.S. President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Of course, this will make little difference to the United States foreign policy, but even our allies did not back the United States.
BBC Documentary about the history of the King James Bible
This is an excellent BBC documentary about the history of the King James Bible. An amazing translation and the work that went into it and the way it was done by the King of England.Continue reading
Prophetic Times December 16, 2017 Jim Tuck
Greetings from Phoenix,
It is a good idea to look at Turkey’s position regarding the move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. They are lining up with Russia and moving away from the United States. Much in scripture about the end time role of Turkey in prophecy.
Jim Tuck
Prophetic Times December 9, 2017 Jim Tuck
Greetings from Phoenix,
The news the week primarily focuses on the scandals of politicians Hollywood actors, and corporate leaders, but there is a real crisis brewing all over the world. If something were to break out most people be shocked and totally unaware.
We are not unaware even as the Apostle Paul wrote in I Thes. 5:3 -6, “For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5 You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.”