Update on little Pastor Gift who is now five years old.
Little Pastor Gift (age 5) and Chosiwe Shanzi Jere
I am sad to report that our amazing "pastor" Gift is in an unpleasant situation. His mother has left the Church and will not allow the kid to come for Sabbath worship. It is heart-rending to find him standing by the side of the road to look at our van pass by but without the liberty to follow us. I want to believe that the Holy Spirit is equally distressed and will bring the kid into the fold one day in the future.
-- Filius and Chosiwe.
This morning we experienced a most pleasant surprise: "Pastor" Gift was right in the middle of the road with a sad face, stopping the van. "I am coming with you for Sabbath, " he said. "But your mother says no," said Chosiwe. "Well, I still am going with you," replied the five-year old resolutely. "She can beat me when I come back, but I will continueu ntil she gets tired."
Our Chipata, Zambia pastor wrote this to us in late January 2019:
"Pastor" Gift Mwale is a three-year-old toddler who used to run to the roadside every Sabbath when we passed his mother's house. "I also want to go to church," he used to cry fervently. We always found him still crying on our way back. His mother tried to dissuade him but he persisted.
We always found little Gift still in tears on our way back. But Jesus was right in what He said in Mark 10:14, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God." So his mother started to bath him and dress him in his best so we could pick him up for Church and bring him back afterward.
Our "pastor" has not missed a single Sabbath since December and there are indications of his mother following him into the Church.
On February 11, 2019, Filius wrote to us:
We had a wonderful Sabbath and the mother of our "pastor" (3 year old Gift) has become a constant attendee.
Updated March 16, 2019
Gift's mother now a forward-looking member voluntarily involved in helping fetch water on her head for building old Alimakiyo's house funded by Good Works
-- Filius & Chosiwe
Updated January 24, 2020
On April 21, 2019 Beverly and Victor Kubik traveled to Chipata, Zambia and visited with little Pastor Gift. He gave us this testimony in front of us. His remarks are translated by the deacon in the congregation.

Beverly Kubik and Gift

Little Pastor Gift