June 1, 2017
It is with much sadness that we must announce that United Church of God elder Mark Ohmer Rorem, 69, died early on Wednesday morning, May 31, after battling a previously dormant condition which eroded the lining of his lungs and caused his death.
He leaves behind his loving wife, Linda, a son, Greg, and two daughters, Jessica and Stephanie, and two grandchildren. All of his children are baptized members of the United Church of God. Jessica is married to James Goss and they have two children. They attend the San Jose, California congregation. Stephanie attends in Oakland, CA, and Greg is presently living and working in China.
Mark graduated in 1973 from Ambassador University and taught at the college as well. Prior to coming to Ambassador Mark received a BA in economics from Tulane University. After leaving Ambassador he received an MBA from the Southern Methodist University, and he later received a JD degree from University of California, Hastings College.
He practiced civil litigation and had an office in San Francisco. He was ordained as an elder in the United Church of God September 30, 2000 and served in the San Francisco area.
He was deeply dedicated to his calling and his ministry and greatly affected the lives of brethren not only in northern California, but in Mexico and Central America as well. He also served on the board of LifeNets, a nonprofit charity helping in needy areas of the world. He will be remembered for his many labors of love for his family and for God’s people. We look forward to seeing our brother at the return of Jesus Christ!
Please continue to pray for his family as they confront the circumstances of these past few weeks and their lives going forward. Information will be forthcoming regarding memorial services.
Tim Pebworth, pastor, Oakland, CA
Jim Tuck, regional pastor. Southwest region