LifeNets Business Center

We have built a business center facing a main street in Lilongwe, Malawi.  It contains an Internet cafe, copy center, and grocery store.  It is also the location of the LifeNets office for the northern part of Malawi.  

Take a look at the latest tri-fold brochure.  Financing for this operation was done by LifeNets and will provide employment for about four people.    LifeNets Business Center

Featured Links from Vic

Two couples are serving in Malawi through in 2017 for a year.  Lewis and Lena VanAusdle  arrived the first part of the year and Brennan and Michala Hilgen in February.  Lewis VanAusdle is pastor of the Lilongwe, Malawi congregation.  Brennan and Michala are volunteer workers helping out with the congregation and with LifeNets projects.  



Brennan and Michala

Final Day in Africa – Final Thoughts

Final Day in Africa – Final Thoughts
Durban, South Africa

Durban, South Africa

In the morning I did a video of Andre van Belkum talking about LifeNets. We want to make a promotional video about our African projects. We had a long breakfast then got our things together to go to the airport and fly back to the United States. It’s been a wonderful trip We feel that we have contributed positively to the Feast of Tabernacles in both Malawi and Zambia and deepened our relationships with so many people in both those countries. I spoke a total of 13 times starting with the Sabbath before the Day of Atonement. It was interesting to perform a wedding in Lilongwe and take part in a funeral in Mumbwa. Visiting our LifeNets projects was essential to ensure their continued success and continuation of the programs. Both Bev and I are ecstatic about this particular trip to Africa that will help us serve the people even better here. After flying back from Johannesburg, we met up with Bill and Cheryl Jahns and Bruce and Phyllis Anderson from Minnesota as well as Herb Teitgen from North Dakota. The Anderson’s and Herb T. are also flying back to the United States, but they are on a flight to New York while we go to Washington D.C. Well, that’s it for this trip. Thanks for following our journey..

With the van Belkum's in Durban

With the van Belkum's in Durban
Durban, South Africa

Durban, South Africa

Today is our last full day in Africa on this trip and we just drove around. I tried to get my email downloaded and some sent from where Neville Smith works, but my laptop just couldn’t get connected to the wireless or the ADSL line. We then drove around Durban and just spent time at their home in afternoon. We had lunch at a garden supply store. Open restaurants in Garden shops are typical here. In the evening the van Belkum’s took us out to dinner at an Italian restaurant.