Friends of the Sabbath Newsletter

July 17, 2024

Interested in Church of God history??

Here is the most comprehensive source. I recommend subscribing to Church of God and Sabbatarian News, Views and History’


What the newsletter offers to subscribers:

A positive newsletter

Short articles about various aspects of Church of God history such as personalities, groups over the centuries and doctrinal development

The newsletter contains news about the Sabbatarian and Church of God groups, including biographies and photos of early members and Feasts

Links to new information, documents, and research on the websites News on major developments, books and seminars

Updates on History Research Projects Foundation ongoing program to assist with those undertaking major and indepth research helpful to the Church of God

Currently the combined websites contain 1,000s of documents that have taken Craig White decades to collect and over 350 gigs of information (including rare audios and videos).


Posted in Bible, INFO.