1998 Festival in Tartu, Estonia

Updated September 2, 1998

Here's the update on how things are shaping up for the 1998 UCG Feast of Tabernacles in Tartu, Estonia. 

Our prayers were answered regarding German translation.  Carl Rothenbacher and Grace Hopkins who were both going to Rome, Italy for the Feast of Tabernacles changed their plans to go instead to Tartu, Estonia to help with German translation. Both are fluent in German and will work as a translation team for Church services.  Our translation into the Estonian language will be done by a team of Margit Kaljas and a hired translator.  We will have two simultaneous translations going into German and Estonian throughout the entire Feast. This is a great improvement over last year when we had consecutive translation into Russian which tended to inhibit the messages with the constant starting and stopping.  The other benefit is that we have the services translated into the first language of the people: Estonian.

On Tuesday, September 1st, I spoke with Henrikas Klovas in Lithuania.  He will be giving three sermonettes.  He will give some in Russian and some in German. 

Henrikas Klovas

Henrikas Klovas is taking on a greater leadership role in the Baltics as he travels from his home in Kaunas, Lithuania to Tartu, Estonia once a month--a distance of about 250 miles.  The train had been a relatively comfortable means of transport, but service on the Baltic Express which runs from Warsaw, Poland to Tallinn, Estonia had been cut back to every other day.  Now, the service has been discontinued and Henrikas has to take a bus from Kaunas to Riga, Latvia, change busses and continue on to Tartu....a gruelling journey,  but he has faithfully done this to serve the Estonians who all respect and relate to him.

Our theme for the Feast will be "To Know and To Do Will of God--Preparing for the Kingdom of God."  All messages will touch upon this theme.  There are number of new people who have been attending the monthly Bible Studies by Henrikas Klovas who are very excited about the Feast in Tartu.  We expect spiritual fruit in the lives of the people in the Baltics as the Gospel reaches them.  The local attendees will be from Tartu and surrounding area, Tallinn and Johve.

As as side point, we've had an uncanny series of accidents in the last few weeks.   First, our primary song-leader, Ken Zahora, fell from a tree and broke his leg.  He is recovering well and will be going to the Feast.  Then, one of our other song-leaders and primary speakers, elder John Lambert, broke his arm!  He is recovering rapidly, too, but what a coincidence??!!

Below is the speaking schedule as we have to this point.


Feast of Tabernacles 1998

Revised September 2, 1998

Site Name: Estonia Festival Coordinator: Victor Kubik


Songleader Sermonette/Offertory Sermon
Sabbath 10/3 Victor Kubik Jerry Reece John Lambert
Sunday, 10/4 Opening Night John Lambert -- Victor Kubik
Holy Day 10/5 John Lambert John Lambert (offertory) Victor Kubik
Tuesday, 10/6 Victor Kubik Henrikas Klovas John Lambert
Wednesday, 10/7 John Lambert Dale Trenarry Victor Kubik
Thursday, 10/8 Tallinn Tour all day Tallinn Tour all day Feast Video on bus
Friday, 10/9 Victor Kubik Henrikas Klovas John Lambert
Saturday, 10/10 John Lambert Jerry Reece* Victor Kubik*
Sunday, 10/11 Victor Kubik Henrikas Klovas John Lambert
LGD AM, 10/12 John Lambert Jerry Reece (offertory) Victor Kubik


ALTERNATES: Sermonette: John Lambert Sermon: Jerry Reece

* Split Sermon

Schedule of Events

All services at the Taru Hotel

Sabbath Oct. 3 Sunday Oct. 4 Monday Oct. 5 Tuesday Oct. 6 Wed Oct 7
Services 1-3 pm



7:30 – 8:30 pm

Opening night meeting

Holy Day

10:30 am services

Group dinner

10:00 am services

Southern Estonia tour and dinner at Sangaste Castle

10:30 am services

Tartu City tour


Thursday Oct 8 Friday Oct 9 Sabbath Oct 10 Sunday Oct 11 Mon Oct 12
All day tour to Tallinn 10:30 am services

Group dinner

10:30 am services 10:30 am services 10:30 am services

Afternoon farewell group lunch

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