August 5, 1998


While we have a translation equipment and a translator in Estonia to translate into the German language, we are looking for someone to come from outside Estonia to help with simultaneous translation from the English into the German language.  If you know of anyone interested, please contact me immediately here at or call me at 317 216-0802.   Thanks!

Victor Kubik

Interested in attending the 1998 Feast of Tabernacles in Estonia?

We have room!  We would love to have you join us for a memorable Feast of Tabernacles in Tartu, Estonia.  If interested, please contact me here or call me at 317 216-0802.

                                                                                                                Victor Kubik

United Church of God
3707 Turfway Court

July 16, 1998

Dear Fellow Festival Travelers to Estonia!

Beverly and I are looking forward to meeting you and spending a spiritually uplifting and exciting Feast of Tabernacles in Tartu, Estonia. This is the second year that we have held a United Church of God festival in Estonia. tartu3.jpg (31985 bytes)


Most of you have made your travel arrangements already. Some are working with United Church of God member Gerry Russell of Thoroughbred Tours in Jacksonville, Florida who is arranging a group rate. His telephone is 888 274-9639 or 904 737-0038 or FAX at 904 737-4116.

Please let use know of your exact arrival and departure times.


Many of us will be staying together at the Taru Hotel in the center of Tartu where our meetings will be held. The hotel is conveniently located to many of the historic sites and restaurants of Tartu. Taxis, if needed, are plentiful and reasonably priced. There is no need to rent a car.


We are planning three guided group tours within Estonia. One will be a bus tour to the countryside in the south of Estonia. This day will culminate with a group dinner at Sangaste Castle.

Our second tour will be that of the city of Tartu. This will be a guided walking tour of one of the oldest cities in the Baltics.

Thirdly we will take a day tour by bus to the capital city of Tallinn. There we will also plan a guided tour. There should be plenty of free time to explore and shop.


We will include these tours as well as lunch each day following church services. We also plan three group dinners in a package price that will also help us to defray the cost of the meeting room, translators and some costs that we incur with helping the Estonian brethren. The package price will be about $200 per person. All other meals and expenses will be on your own.


You will each be responsible for the cost of your accommodations. We will make the arrangements for you. If we pay one-half of the hotel room costs prior to our stay there and pay the balance after we return home, we will be able to avoid an 18% Value Added Tax. Therefore, those who wish to do that, should send a check (made out to Victor Kubik) to us at:

        Victor Kubik
        3707 Turfway Court
        Indianapolis, Indiana 46228

We need to receive one-half of the hotel room costs by August 15th then we will wire the money to the hotel.

Breakfast is included in the cost of the room. As nearly as we can determine at this time (exchange rates can vary) the per night cost is:

    Single rooms are 550 EEK (about $40 US)
    Double are 780 EEK (about $56 US)
    Suites are 900 EEK (about $65 US)
    Deluxe room 1100 EEK (about $79 US)

(Additional bed in the room will be $15 and additional breakfast $4.50)

The current exchange rate (July 14, 1998) is 14.3 EEK to the dollar.

We will hold Sabbath Services on October 3 in the hotel meeting room at 1:30 pm. On opening night we will have a short meeting and refreshments at 7:30 pm. 

We would appreciate knowing your arrival and departure time to help us with the planning. Please write or email me at and let me know that information.


It’s actually quite simple to get to Tartu from Tallinn. Most will arrive at the airport. From the airport take a taxi to the bus station which is only a few miles from the airport. We will be sending you a sign in Estonian which you should show to a taxi cab driver. It will ask him to drive you to the bus station.

It may be good to change some money at the airport so that you will be prepared to pay the approximately 65 EEK for the bus ticket. At the bus station buy a ticket to Tartu. The cost of the ticket is about $8.00 for the 120 mile journey which takes about two and a half hours and is quite comfortable.

Then when arriving in Tartu, take a taxi to the hotel which is only a few blocks away from bus station. That’s it!


We had hoped to do a group side trip to St. Petersburg, Russia following the Feast, but this is no longer to be possible. If anyone wants to do this on their own we can provide the name of a tour agency and you can discuss your own arrangements.

The rest of the tentative schedule is as follows:


Schedule of Events

All services at the Taru Hotel

Sabbath Oct. 3 Sunday Oct. 4 Monday Oct. 5 Tuesday Oct. 6 Wed Oct 7
Services 1-3 pm



7:30 – 8:30 pm

Opening night meeting

Holy Day

10:30 am services

Group dinner

10:00 am services

Southern Estonia tour and dinner at Sangaste Castle

10:30 am services

Tartu City tour


Thursday Oct 8 Friday Oct 9 Sabbath Oct 10 Sunday Oct 11 Mon Oct 12
All day tour to Tallinn 10:30 am services

Group dinner

10:30 am services 10:30 am services 10:30 am services

Afternoon farewell group lunch


UPDATED June 3, 1998

Here are some significant changes (for the better) regarding the UCG Feast of Tabernacles in Tartu, Estonia. Because of the extra people who are coming to Estonia for the Festival, the Kantri could not accomodate our group. So we are now going to a hotel near the center of Tartu, the TARU Hotel.

The cost of the rooms may be slightly higher. The current price quote stands at about $55 for a double room and $44 for a single, but I will have exact prices as soon as Ozzie and Tina Engelbart return from Estonia and should have this information posted about June 9th.

At this hotel we have better facilities for translation. They also have a public address system which the Kantri did not. We plan to have simultaneous translation into Estonian and German for all the sermons.


Most of the attractions of Tartu are within walking distance. There is even a McDonald's down the street!

Questions? Please contact me here

Vic Kubik

UPDATED May 13, 1998

We have had nearly 30 people from the United States, Canada, Germany and Holland express a desire to come to Estonia for the Feast this fall. We are very excited about this fall's Festival. We are working on simultaneous translations into Russian or Estonian and Gerrman. Most messages will be in English. Two sermonettes will be in Russian.

If you are interested in attending the Festival in Estonia, please email or call me at 317 216-0802.

Victor Kubik

UPDATED April 21, 1998 Airline information.

Tourist class air fare is approximately $800-$1100 from the United States to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

Ground Transportation

Once there, the ground transportation is very economical. Taxis rides are $2-$4 for short jaunts around town. From Tallinn you will need to take a bus (very comfortable) to Tartu, a distance of 120 miles. The cost is about $6-$7.

We are again going to have a package price of $200 per person cover the following:

We are planning tours to the historic capital of Tallinn, a picnic in the countryside and tours of a famous castle where we plan to have dinner and more..... We are still in the planning stages. Bev and I will be there. We are hoping that some of you can join us.

RESERVATIONS: Visitors wishing to transfer to this site please contact

Victor Kubik
3707 Turfway Court
Indianapolis, Indiana 46228-2095

Phone: 317 216-0802


Victor Kubik

After a successful 1997 Festival in 1997 with our Estonian brethren, we again wish to repeat this wonderful uplifting experience. Estonia is a one of the three Baltic republics nestled in between Russia and Latvia and just across a narrow strait from Finland. The setting will be in historic and charming Tartu. Tours are planned into the countryside visiting areas of historic and scenic interest in the midst of colorful fall foliage. One day will be devoted totally to touring. Another one to a an open discussion group. Most messages will be in English. We will all become better acquainted with our Estonian and Lithuanian friends. At this point the ministers who plan to come to come to Estonia are Vic and Bev Kubik, John and Hazel Lambert.

There are direct flights from Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Helsinki to Tallinn, the capital. From there it is a comfortable two and a half hour coach trip to Tartu.

Please take a look at photos of last year's Feast by clicking here. Also, to get a feel for the Baltics, we would like to share our accounts of working and visiting with our brethren there....

Please contact me at

Prices in Estonia are reasonable.

Average temperature will be between 10 and 15 degrees Celcius (50 to 59 Fahrenheit).

RESERVATIONS: Visitors wishing to transfer to this site please contact

Victor Kubik
3707 Turfway Court
Indianapolis, Indiana 46228-2095

Phone: 317 216-0802


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