2000 Feast of Tabernacles in Tartu Estonia
October 13-21

Part Six

A day in Tallinn.  Vidmante, Dovydas, 
Natasha, Lena

Lena and mannequin 

Our guide explaining historical old city 

The Faheys

Sunset over Estonian lake

At Koidu Üprus' home in the evening

Bill Bradford

Juta Kulbin and Anita Strange

Leah Oblak, Bev Kubik, Hazel Lambert
Evelyn Fahey, Brenda Ross with 
Üprus in foreground

Luule Lepik and Koidu Üprus with VK

Mariina Viia in sound booth translating into 

Tartu Ensemble performing Special Music

Vidmante and Dovydas sing psalm for 
Special Music


Hit Counter

Natasha Gromova from Belarus

Tallinn City Tour

Russian matroshka dolls in gift shop

Joanna Bradford

John Lambert, VK and Koidu

Aimee Zahora

Jerry Reece

Roma Camerata and Gaile Kemekliene

Norm and Sharon Hills

Maria and Lena