Industry Week magazine of February 1, 1993 featured an excellent article about building trust in an organization.
- Demonstrate that you are working for others' interests, as well as your own.
- Listen in ways that show you respect others and that you value their ideas.
- Practice openness--the critical value for team action.
- Speak your feelings.
- Explain what you understand, and admit there are things you don't understand.
- Share as much as you know about where the organization is going.
- Show consistency in the basic values that guide your decision-making.
- Make the right choices after viewing the alternatives that are before you.
- Demonstrate awareness of all the key ramifications of your decision.
- Explain why you are shifting management styles--from participative to more autocratic--when the situation calls for a shift.
- Let people know the downside--the negatives--as well as the good news.
- Support your subordinates' decisions.
- Show that you know how to work with and earn the support of upper management.
- Signal an error, a breakdown, a missed objective that will affect other people's expectations.
- Respect old ideas while you dig for new ones.