A Missionary's Heart:
Prepared to do the Work of God


December 3, 1998

Over Thanksgiving, we went up to Minnesota to visit my wife's sister and family.  Our nephew and his wife have taken a leave of absence from his career at at major airline to help with aircraft maintenance where he'll be serving as a missionary for a year.  His wife comes from a family of missionaries who have served in various Central and South American countries.

My brother-in-law gave me a bookmark and a prepared daily prayer list for his son and family. He passes this out to all interested. As a minister myself, I should be interested.  And I was moved and touched by what I read on this prayer list.

If we could just prioritize this ourselves, we could do wonders!  I'd like to share some of what was on this prayer list which also had extra lines for what I'd like to add.  It made we wonder how much we really pray in detail for one another.....and if we did, what God could do through us!!  The topics below apply not only to missionaries, but to all Christians.

For the Prayer Partner

A weekly cycle of prayer topics

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