Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes or Less
English: It's very dark in here
Chinese: Wai So Dim?English: Stay out of sight
Chinese: Lei LoEnglish: He's cleaning his automobile
Chinese: Wa Shing KaEnglish: This is a tow away zone
Chinese: No Pah KingEnglish: Is there a fugitive here?
Chinese: Hu Yu Hai Ding?English: Small Horse
Chinese: Tai Ni Po NiEnglish: Your price is too high!!!
Chinese: No Bai Nut Ding!!!English: Did you go to the beach?
Chinese: Wai Yu So Tan?English: I bumped into a coffee table
Chinese: Ai Bang Mai NiEnglish: Has your flight been delayed?
Chinese: Hao Long Wei Ting?English: I thought you were on a diet?
Chinese: Wai Yu Mun Ching?English: They have arrived
Chinese: Hai Dei KumEnglish: Your body odor is offensive
Chinese: Yu Stin Ki PuEnglish: You know lyrics to the Macarena?
Chinese: Wai Yu Sing Dum Song?English: I got this for free
Chinese: Ai No Pei