From Vy Young, Lake Forest, California
January, 2002
I had been deathly ill for nine months and almost died in April, 2001. The church sent out prayer requests for me. I could not come up with why I was so sick....nauseated, headaches, etc. I have pulmonary fibrosis and had to go on oxygen full-time. A friend from church came to visit and brought a book, "A Cure For All Diseases.” I read the first part of the book and saw nothing...then I read further about chemicals that are around us...AHA moment!!!
We had major work done on our mobile home in February, March, and April of 2000. Then while we took a 3-month trip in our RV, we had the home painted, wallpapered, bookcase built, shower glazed, etc. Came home to southern California to hot weather at the first of August, and instead of airing out the house like we should have, we turned on the A/C. I'm sure you can guess the rest. I was being poisoned by these chemicals. Benzene in the paint, wallpaper and paste. Formaldehyde from the wood products and only God knows what was in the glazing material used in the shower. I was slowly killing myself. I questioned this stuff a few times but my husband said it couldn't be the house as it did not bother him. The painter said it couldn't be the paint--he'd worked with it for years. Well, they didn't have a lung disease either!
Once I discovered the cause, I was ready to move...but we were told to open all the windows and doors and run an exhaust fan in the window for days and stay in a room that had not be worked with. I also bought a terrific air filtration system that has a HEPA filter but also has a filter for dangerous odors.
Working with my acupuncturist to detox my body, I am on the mend. It is a slow recovery because of my age (68) and my disease. Also lost over 70 pounds and so I had no muscle left. Just never realized what new carpet, paint, wallpaper, mattresses, etc., had in them. Real dangerous stuff. I'm just thankful to our Loving Father I am here to write about it. Thanks for the opportunity to share this and hopefully help someone else.