HCG Resource Files

Updated November 1, 2013

Hello to everyone who is interested in how I have been able to lose about 50 pounds and keep it off on a plan that I started about one year ago. Please read the updates that I've made in the past year and the important resource material following.

These three are the most important and are repeated below. It is important that you download the PDF Pounds and Inches in PDF format and read it.

1. Very important....read Dr. Simeons book POUNDS AND INCHES downloadble here in PDF
2. Instructions about all three phases
3. The HCG Protocol...clear explanation of the phases


Updated June 29, 2013

Well, I've been on this diet in various forms since about November 1, 2012 and still am a believer that it's a great way to lose and KEEP weight off. The diet is fun because you lose weight so fast and effortlessly; the keeping it off is a much bigger challenge, but if you are prepared for it, it works, too. After each phase of the HCG treatment, going to stabilization WILL net some weight gain if not TOTALLY following the program. So far I've lost 35 total pounds that have been kept off and plan to go another 30 or so.

Updated February 3, 2013

I'm still on the diet and on track. I have NEVER been on a diet that has had such immediate and rewarding results...and more importantly, the mechanism to keep the weight off. As of today I have lost 27 pounds from my high mark and will be beginning the THIRD round of HCG that should net another 20 pounds or so. Just letting you know....here are former posts below...

November 23, 2012

Hi friends,

It is not easy to lose weight. If you have tried diets, you've probably tried a number of them. On some you have lost weight. On others you haven't. Bottom line: you have probably gained back all you lost making things worse than ever.

I have treid the HCG diet which gives the important resources below. I'm on it right now and as of today (November 23, 2012) have lost 22 pounds in three weeks. Wow!. I'm in stabilizing phase three for three weeks. I plan to do another round to do another 20 pounds or so. I cannot believe how effortless and effective this has been. I feel great. I have lost weight. I plan to keep it off.

Friends have asked me about this diet and I want to give you some important information in the points below about the diet. It comes from various sources, but be sure to read the philosophy of the diet in Dr. Simeons' book POUNDS AND INCHES. Good luck!


1. Very important....read Dr. Simeons book POUNDS AND INCHES downloadble here in PDF

2. Instructions about all three phases

3. The HCG Protocol...clear explanation of the phases

5. Get REAL HCG drops and be aware of frauds. Here's where I got the stuff that worked for me.

6. Probably more of what is above. The stuff I used.

7. From another friend...HCG "Skinny Drops" Check this site out

8. This is more the prescription, "mix it yourself" method for those who have the patience to do it.

9. HCG recipies for phase 2

10. Tracker Excel file with built-in formulas

