The world God told us of

How much longer must we wait,
The world around us is full of hate.

He said it would be like this at the end,
wars, violence, and strife around every bend.

Children would be our oppressors and women would rule,
Our leaders would lead us astray He said, many now are very cruel.

There is no respect for God these days some even fear to say his name.
If things go well it is our doing and if not going well God gets the blame.

We must endure in Satan’s world, the churches around us are in his fold.
Through the ages, the called have waited at times faint and sometimes bold.

Oh, that Christ would be here soon, to change this world and make it right.
We must wait and sigh and cry, wishing He would come tonight.

--William D. May
February 17, 2019

Posted in Poetry, wdm.