Funeral notes
Am going to attempt to tell you what happened at the memorial service andwho attended. I took some brief notes only - phrases that jumped out at me.I was sitting outside as the main building was filled. They had chairs setup outside as well as in another building with the service piped in. Themain building had seating for 135 but there were many people standing also.I would estimate about 300 people in all. The service was held at 10:30 AMin the church where the Hoehs regularly attend. There were many beautifulflower arrangements at the front of the hall. The weather was cloudy andrather chilly. It did not begin to rain until about 2:00 in the afternoon.I'm also asking Eileen McKinley, who took more extensive notes, to add herinput so that the comments made by the speakers will be more complete.The program we were given has a beautiful picture of a valley with a riverrunning through it. There is autumn colored foliage in the foreground andhigh mountains in the background. The sky is cloudy but there is a patch ofsunlight coming through one spot and a partial rainbow. There is ascripture printed also - I Kings 8:56 - "Blessed be the Lord...there hathnot failed one word of all his good promise." On the inside cover is apicture of Dr. Herman L. Hoeh - December 3, 1928 - November 21, 2004.The program reads as follows: (minus my parenthetical explanations)Prelude - William Kessler, pianist (Son of Jack Kessler)Welcome and Invocation - Pastor Rand HolmHymn - Onward Christian SoldiersGilda Hoeh Brockmeier, Rand Holm (Gilda played, Rand directed)Remembrances of Dr. Herman HoehChristina Kuo Graham (Wife of one of Billy Graham's sons)Curtis MayJohn HopkinsonGene HogbergRon KellyPalu Lemoto, Jenette Lemoto, Marsha Lemoto singing the traditional Tonganfuneral farewell for a loved one, followed by "The Lord is My Shepherd" intheir native Tongan languageWat Thai Temple Representative (Head monk in the United States)Dr. Giorgio BuccellatiValley Interfaith Council Representative (Denise Coultas Parker)Manfred HoehPastor Carlton GreenHymn - Glorious Things of Thee are SpokenGilda Hoeh Brockmeir, Rand HolmPastoral Remembrance - Rand HolmBlessing - Pastor Jack KesslerThe Thai representative spoke first, out of order, because they needed toleave early. His comments were then given in English by a translator.They were there to celebrate a wonderful friend. Dr. Hoeh attended manyof the Thai celebrations at the Temple and he was just like a Thai, not anAmerican. They were all made so sad, they had losttheir best friend!They then had a brief Buddhist ceremony with chanting.Christina - Dr. Hoeh was a spiritual paradigm! The world is a better placebecause of Dr. Hoeh. His life had a consistent message. She read Romans12:9-18. Few people touch people's hearts. She was glad to have met him atan early age. He was never in a hurry - his decisions were made witheternity in mind. A gentle and stable man.Story - new computers were delivered to Editorial and some one asked Dr.Hoeh - "When are you going to join the 21st century?" Dr. Hoeh replied,"When all else fails!"Curtis May - Dr. Hoeh profoundly affected his life and family. Dr. Hoeh wasa real reconciler. He related to everyone regardless of culture or status.Model of what a minister should be! Humorous and intellectual.Stories - At a conference a man said, "My notes say ....". Dr. Hoeh cameback, "Don't assume that what is in your notes is what I said". A manasked, "When the serpent spoke to Eve was his mouth moving?" Answer - "Iwasn't there."John Hopkinson - John sent Eileen his quote regarding the scope of Dr.Hoeh's work. "Upon graduation in 1967, Dr. Hoeh invited me to work for him.It was my privilege to serve him with respect, amazement, and awe, as heopened a new world to me,Managing 60 college departments,editing the PT, working with the press,dealing with Professors of Archeology at UCLA, the Bronze Boy at the Getty,bringing Israeli Generals as guest speakers,Doctor Edward Tell, the father of the H-bomb,His Majesty, Leopold, King of the Belgians,getting Crimond for the new blue hymnal for HWA himself, at his request,lunching with a rabbi's son, and having him suddenly recogize we wereeating kosher, when he had ordered lobster,dealing with rare book dealers, Blackwell's of Oxford, Zeitlin, VanyaVolkoff and Adelheid von Hohenlohe,actually touching and translating treasures already 400 years old when I wasborn, many exciting and wonderful things..."John then read a Rudyard Kipling poem entitled "A School Song". (It wasprinted in it's entirety in a separate enclosure.) The essence of what hewanted to get across is expressed in the first and last stanzas of the poem.Bless and praise we famous menMen of little showingFor their work continueth,And their work continueth,Broad and deep continueth,Great beyond their knowing!Gene Hogberg - There was a series of articles in the Reader's Digest yearsago entitled "The Most Unforgettable Character I Have Ever Met". Dr. Hoehwas the person Mr. Hogberg would have chosen to write about for this series.Dr. Hoeh was his mentor beginning at age 19 at AC. He gave patient andpersonalized tutelage. He had breadth and depth of knowledge in so manydifferent fields. No subject he couldn't discuss intelligently. He and Mr.Hogberg have worked with exchange students from Russia and China for manyyears. Dr. Hoeh gave a talk on the goals of the founding fathers of theUnited States and took the students on a tour of Huntington Gardens. He wasequally at home explaining art to students as he was in explaining plantsand flowers. He loved God's creation and preserving the natural environmentwas very important to him. His reach was international in scope.Ronald Kelly - Many people were the recipients of Dr. Hoeh's wisdom. Onearea that most people would not connect with Dr. Hoeh was marriagecounseling. Mr. Kelly, as a student, talked to Dr. Hoeh about thingsromantic. Dr. Hoeh asked him questions. "Who is your best friend?" "Whodo you turn to when you down?" "Who do you like to be with more than anyother?" Mr. Kelly's answer every time was Norva, the woman he eventuallymarried. Dr. Hoeh guided people to make their own decisions withoutoffering his own opinions. Dr. Hoeh always had wise input at boardmeetings.Marsha Lemoto - She was delivering a promise - singing in Tongan for achurch service. Dr. Hoeh's words were few and concise. She thanked him forbeing a gift of God to the Tongans.Dr. Giorgio Buccelati - Fellow scholar from the UCLA Mesopotamian Studiesdepartment. He was the recipient of Dr. Hoeh's self-effacing generosity,warmth and advice. Dr. Hoeh was responsible for his being able to conduct adig in Syria. He contributed generously with both time and money. He flewto Syria, hired a taxi to drive him to the dig, which took 10 hours, andeven brought his own cot because he thought they might not have enough roomfor him. Although Dr. Hoeh was brilliant, he was very humble and concernedabout other people at the human needs level. "He proves that there is aplace in heaven for scholars."Denise Parker - The Valley Interfaith Council is attempting to get allfaiths involved in service programs - meals on wheels, help for seniors,etc. Dr. Hoeh got the Thai people to join. He proves that one person CANmake a difference. His silence could speak volumes. Someone recently gaveher an article Dr. Hoeh had written in the April 1951 Good News entitled"Are Good Manners Good?" The article said that the greatest courtesy is togladden people's hearts. You sell people on God by example!Manfred Hoeh - Gave thanks in the family's name for everyone's attendanceand kind words concerning his father. There are 3 daughters, theirhusbands, Manfred and his wife and a total of 9 grandchildren.Pastor Carlton Green - First met Dr. Hoeh in 1969. Mr. Green had justgotten out of the military after 15 years and came to AC in Big Sandy towork as a baker. He was the first person of color to be hired there. Churchand housing were still segregated in those days. His first meeting with Dr.Hoeh was in the kitchen at 6:30 AM. He came to work and found Dr. Hoehsitting on a flour barrel eating left over and burnt pizza crust from apizza party the students had the night before. Mr. Green speaks before manygroups around the world. One of his example stories is about the purpose ofthe banana, the soil and the sun. Each one could ask, "What do I get out ofall that I do for the earth and the people on it"? Their sole purpose is tonourish the earth. What is the purpose of human beings? To make money, toget pleasure? Is their purpose the same as a dog? The sole purpose for ahuman being is to love. He read Isa. 32:8 this way - A noble man makesnoble plans, and by noble plans shall he stand. This is what Jesus wants meto do.Pastor Rand Holm - Talked about the last time he saw Dr. Hoeh. It was afterchurch the previous week and he was sitting at a table, with his wife,feeding a lady that they bring each week from a nursing home. They caredfor this lady in many ways - providing extra food and taking care of herbusiness matters. Mr. Holm asked Mrs. Hoeh if he could have a hat that Dr.Hoeh had been wearing out in the garden just before he died. It was aWashington Redskins baseball hat.Pastor Jack Kessler - Read the scripture that Dr. Hoeh had read at DocKessler's funeral many years ago - Phil. 4:8-9. The blessing he chose isfound in Numbers 6:24-26. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; The Lord makehis face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; The Lord lift up hiscountenance upon thee, and give thee peace.The back of the program had a message from Joseph Tkach. It reads:I want to take this opportunity to express the sincere sympathy and concernof all our church staff members, many of whom worked with and knew Dr. Hoehfor years and decades.Those who knew him personally have spoken of his concern for them that heshowed through his words, encouragement and help, often in the simple thingsof life. One church employee described how he as a poor, young Ambassadorstudent was driven by Dr. Hoeh to a local men's shop where he purchased twosuits for him out of his own pocket. That was a typical example of hisgenerous and caring way.I would be remiss if I didn't recall Dr. Hoeh's decades of faithful serviceto the church in such diverse ways. For years he was a teacher atAmbassador, a church pastor and an emissary of the church to accomplishedpeople in politics, religion and science. Even in his retirement Dr. Hoehcontinued to actively serve on the church board of directors. We willalways remember his gentlemanly presence and love for each of us.In Jesus' love,Joseph TkachHere are the names of the people who attended that we can remember. Theremay have been others who we did not see, or did not recognize.The Hoeh family Ruth DavittRalph & Ingrid Helge Susan Davison and her motherLarry & Carolyn Darden Paul LyonsJeanette Wendt Eda PinkstonJacki Cain Patty RobbinsEileen McKinley Jane HickokPhil Robison Ed & Nancy KleierRoger Hoffman Earl RoemerMatt & Pam Morgan David RegisterDavid & Deborah Hulme Gerald ChapmanHerb & Ann Vierra Gerda BludauFrank Fish Mrs. Werner JebensMilan & Andrea Zima Leon SextonRuss & Diane Edwards Yolette MerrittLarry & Henriette Faast Bob SarrattStephen Rule Bob KingBill Pixley Susan ThompsonGlen Ford Jennie ThompsonMargie Gordon Robin & Arline ConnellyCorky & Wendy Gordon Sarah ConnellyRob Gordon Russell DukeCrystal Gordon Mabel GordonCharlene Diem Shirley FaulknerJim Hritzay Ed & Nancy StonickTian (last name unknown) Christina Kuo GrahamOlivia Flores John & Pat HopkinsonThe Kessler family Curtis & Janice MayEdit Ancona and son Gene & Barbara HogbergGreg Albrecht Ron & Norva KellyKathleen McAlister Marcia Barriga & brotherRon Guizado Rand & Beth Holm and daughterDr. & Mrs. Giorgio Buccellati Denise Coultas ParkerMr. Mrs. Carlton Green Franklin & Cora GuiceDonnie Pinkston John JonesMichelle Beech Patrick MurphyBernell Michel Lavonne KnedelMr. Mrs. Victor Zager Darwin & Julia RugglessDavid Lewis Steve & Judith MarosvolgiBill Kubon Rita BrickerBill & Barbara Edwards Amy PieperJoe Wright Graham WeakleyJackie Spurgeon & daughter Tim & Rachel SpurgeonDan & Renee Apartian & son Neil, Denise & Chloe HogbergRolfe Jones Al BaroodyRandal & Susie Dick Boyd & Joan LeesonVance Gilless Mitch VasseurBarry & Wendy Gridley Reginald NicholasDon Schroeder Dr. & Mrs. Stig ErlanderMonte Wolverton Oleh ZajicHal Finch Manfred FraundTom Hanson Ronald BarksdaleMarcia del Castillo Palu LemotoJenette Lemoto Marsha LemotoIn addition there were many people who regularly attend services at WestValley whose names I do not know.It is our understanding that Mrs. Hoeh will be going to live with her oldestdaughter, Karlina, in Alabama.Thanks to Eileen, Vera Peterson and Jacki Cain for helping me to put thisall together. We hope you enjoy reading it since you could not be here withus.Warm regards - Cledice Decker