Council Hosts a Picnic for the Home Office Staff

Janet Treadway


 Posted August 14, 2009 


Read Council reports from August meetings


After a busy day of meetings, Monday, August 10, the Council of Elders, along with their wives, headed off to Doris and Floyd Phelps home to host a picnic for the staff. 


When I arrived for the evening’s activity, all I could hear was lots of chattering and laughing.. Mrs. Monica Kiefer, wife of Councilman Mr. Paul Kiefer, knew exactly how to get a hungry crowds attention from all the chatter. Monica lifted high in the air, two large spoons and banged them together. It brought immediate dead silence.  Chairman Mr. Roy Holladay, decided to take full advantage of the opportunity of silence. He asked everyone to gather around while he asked God to bless the food and the evening’s activities. 

Norma Holladay with Emma Kennebeck

Chef Darris McNeely


Then it was time to chow down on some awesome burgers and hot dogs, grilled by Glenn Creech and Mr. Darris McNeely. There was plenty of wonderful fixing to choose from, and let’s not overlook the desserts! Because we didn’t! The Council and staff sat around and fellowshipped, and ate, and not necessarily in that order.


Even the rain did not dampen peoples’ spirits, as it helped to cool down the 90 degree temperatures especially for those who hate the heat. We were all protected under a very nice, covered shed from the rain. Dorothy Shoemaker, in Mail Processing, pointed out “she loved the rain hitting on the tin roof.”



President Clyde Kilough looks at Rainbow

There were many positive feedbacks from the activity. Chris Stewart of the IT department, said, “It was nice to be offsite, unplugged, in a very relaxing environment, with fellow co-workers and council members. It really helped with solidifying relationships.” Emma Kennebeck, in the data processing department, said, “While enjoying a perfect evening of food and fellowship, a beautiful, double, rainbow appeared across the sky, which really added to what was already a perfect evening.” 


Thanks go to all the council members, and their wives, for hosting this wonderful activity for the staff. Thanks also go to Doris and Floyd Phelps for opening up their home. And especially thanks to God, for He did honor Mr. Holladay’s request, and blessed the entire evening. God also added on His final, finishing, touches, to a wonderful evening, by displaying a spectacular, beautiful, double rainbow. I hope we have many more of these special occasions.


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