June 12-17th, 2001 in Tartu, Estonia

Part II

UCG elder Henrikas Klovas from 
Kaunas, Lithuania

Tartu on the Emajõe

Ell Visnapuu, Henrikas Klovas, Katrin Kassik and Helge Mägi

Crystal shop in Tallinn

Many flowers for sale in Tallinn

Katrin Kassik from Tartu. She is a registered 
nurse, single and speaks English

Ell Visnapuu from Tartu

Saying goodbye at the bus station

Trams in the city of Tallinn


Hit Counter

On Sabbath morning, June 17th Henrikas and I spent time in the morning discussing all kinds of things from future Festival plans to how we're going to advertise the Good News to the overall growth of the work in the Baltic Republics. While this year there will not be a transfer-in festival to the Baltic area, we do hope to once again have a Festival with hopefully 30-40 transfers from the West in 2002.  

I met with Margit Kaljas who is not feeling well at about noon.  Your prayers for her would be appreciated. She has had a degradation in her liver functions.  If you would like to write to her, her address is on the prayer page of this site at www.kubik.org/prayer/kaljas.htm.  

Our final church meeting started shortly after 1:30 pm.  Henrikas covered the remainder of I Corinthians 15 that he started the day before and I gave a sermon about the origin of Satan, his affect on the world and us personally.  We had some good discussion afterwards. The subject of the Estonians not asking many questions came up.  On my many trips and meetings with Estonians I marvel how few questions are asked. Mariia Viia, our translator told me that that is typical even at the University. Under the Soviet system, ten years past now, questions were not encouraged. It was always safest not to ask anything.  Some of this has carried over to the present.

After our meetings we all went to the River Cafe a block from the hotel where the food is delicious and inexpensive. We talked a long time at the River Cafe...it was hard to break up. We have become quite attached to these lovely people.

It was time to pack and to get ready for leaving for the remainder of my trip to Ukraine.  Henrikas and I walked around town a little and stopped at the Zum Zum for a drink. 

The next day, Sunday morning, June 17th as Henrikas and I came to bus station at 5:30, here was Ell and Katrin again!  We talked another 45 minutes before my minibus took me to Tallinn.

I checked into Kiev with a plane change scheduled in Moscow. I was told that I needed a transit visa even if it was only to change planes in Russia!  I was denied boarding and have to spend the day in Tallinn and wait for a non-stop flight to Kiev which goes three times a week...thankfully one of those days is Monday.

On Monday, June 18th I did have a comfortable flight on a light 737 Estonian Air load from Tallinn to Kiev where I was met by my Ukrainian hosts at the airport.