Working in Estonia Moves Forward

January 24, 1997

Our working with Estonians is taking form and shape. Here's a summary of what we've done.

First, Peter Shenton, UCG pastor of churches in the UK is making regular trips to Estonia as part of his itinerant route of traveling through Scandinavia.

This past fall my wife Beverly and visited Estonia and had several meetings with those in the United Church of God. Five of the Estonians were able to go to England for the Feast of Tabernacles.

After the Feast, Peter Shenton visited twice and is now heading for his third visit which will be starting on Thursday, January 30th. He will be meeting with people in the capital of Tallinn and then taking a coach to Tartu where more of the brethren live.

In addition to our pastoral work with the brethren, we are also wanting to work with community projects that our brethren are involved in. This work will be coordinated by Rachel Kenady who lives with her husband and son Andrew in Bowling Green, Kentucky. We are still forging a game plan on how to accomplish our mission.

We are going to work with a series of Boys' Homes which are halfway houses directed by Dr. Anne Schotter. Anne has attended our Feast of Tabernacles in York, UK this past fall. She has done a magnificent job in rehabilitating young boys back to society. One of her boys is featured on this website. His name is Albert.

Also, we're going to help a sight and hearing impaired school managed by one of our members, Helle Romaas. Our first help will be shipping eye glasses to this school.

We will be having more reports about our work in Estonia. Come by and visit the Estonia section of this web site for more information. Thank you for your interest.