First UCG Estonian Literature


July 4, 1998

Last year we held a Fall Festival in Estonia. It was more than just going over and experiencing a Feast. We were trying to find ways in which the Estonian people can read about the Gospel in their own language. We had already translated about two dozen articles into the Russian language which most Estonians can read, but the language has been decling after the fall of the Soviet Union.  Now, we feel it would be good to have some of this same material available in the native language. Johnnie Lambert, elder from upstate New York has done a tremendous job of organizing the means and providing the enthusiasm for doing this. This has been very inspiring.   I've asked him to write this short report of what's happening....


An Estonian translation team has begun to produce literature for the Estonian people in their own language.  With pen and paper, an Estonian, Ylo Maaring, has translated four Good News articles from Russian to Estonian.  Dean Black, a computer guru from the Big Flats, New York church helped to set up a computer so that the Estonian language could be typed into the word processing program.

Juta Kulbin

Every team has a key member.  The key member on this team is Juta Kulbin of Redlands, California.  Knowing the Estonian language makes it possible for her to devote the next two weeks of her time to learning how to use the computer and to putting Ylo's translations into type.  She has completed one article as of this writing (July 3, 1998).

Jude Sieker, a newspaper lady from the Big Flats church, will work with Juta and Dean on July 5th and 6th to put the articles which Juta has typed into a publishing format.   It is exciting to see what can be done when the people of God pool their talents to preach the Gospel to this nation of one million people.  We expect that these four articles will only be the beginning.  Below you see a sample of "Why Do We Sin?" by Roger Foster.

Johnnie N. Lambert