Schedule of Bible Studies & Seminars


Bible Studies (Friday Night) 7:30 pm

Family Bible Study

Darris McNeely "World News & Prophecy - Discerning the Times"

We live in a world of unprecedented, rapid and dramatic change. As the world scene constantly changes before our eyes, are there specific developing trends we should watch that will shape the world and affect your future? (Power Point presentation)

Young Adult Bible Study

Mark Winner "What Really Influences Us"

Five areas of influence that people commonly give into in the Church of God. Each of us faces choices that will influence the direction of his life. What choices will you make?

Teen Bible Study & Seminars (Friday night and Sabbath morning)

Friday night 7:30 pm, continued Sabbath morning beginning at 10:00 am

Gary Petty "Values"

How do you determine your values and what standards does God establish that form the basis of values.

Matt Fenchel "What Do You Do When You Have Messed Up?"

This is a discussion of sin, repentance and forgiveness. What damage does sin do to us personally? Will God always forgive? How do I move on? How do I repair any damage? When should I forgive others?

Bill Jacobs "What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Maturity"

What does it mean to be mature? What is `Spiritual' maturity and what does the Bible say about it?

Dave Myers "The Dating Game"

Dating and romance are important issues for teens and young adults. Questions like "When should I start dating? Whom should I date? Should I date at all? What is a date? Does he/she like me?" swim in our head. In this interactive seminar we will take a look at the dating game. Together we'll discover some very vital principles about dating and romance that will greatly impact the next decade of your life.


Adult Seminars (Sabbath morning)

1st session 10:00 - 10:45 am
2nd Session 11:00 - 11:45 am

Home Office "Ambassador Bible Center"

Members of the Home Office will discuss the concept behind the new Ambassador Bible Center and answer questions about curriculum, cost and concepts of ABC. If you are interested in attending ABC or want to understand it's importance to the future of the Church you are invited to attend and ask questions of those who have the answers.

John Foster "Understanding Generation X"

This is a discussion of the generation of young adults who will soon be the leaders of society. What are the dominant characteristics of this generation and how will it affect the Church of God? Two video presentations and a discussion of the implications that affect the future of the Church.

John Elliott "The Significance of Y2K - The New Millennium"

We are at the dawn of a new millennium. This has only happened one other time since King Nebuchadnezzar ruled Babylon. If you think that's amazing, wait till you see what man has been doing to times and seasons.

Come understand the mystery behind Y2K, the hallmark date created by the Julian and the Gregorian Calendars of the Holy Roman Empire.  January 1, 2000 A.D., the start of the papally proclaimed "Year of Jubilee" is hinged to the birth of Jesus and constitutes new beginnings. Or, does it?  Y2K is here. But what does it mean? Come see for yourself.

Gary Smith "How to Become A Millionaire: Keys to Becoming Truly Rich"

Is becoming a millionaire a matter of striking it rich, finding the elusive pot of gold or is it the application of important principles? We will examine important principles of investing along with their application to our faith.

Jim O'Brien "Raising Able Instead of Cain - Secrets of Child Rearing"

What did Solomon mean when he said "Train up a child..."? Sometimes the best of intentions produce Cain rather than Able. Which methods work and which do not work and how can you be an effective parent?

Sabbath Sermon 2:30 pm

Bill Jacobs "What You Never Learned at Church About Human Nature"