ABC Choir Visits the Lafayette, Indiana Congregation
July 15, 2006

The Lafayette, Indiana congregation was privileged to have the Ambassador Bible Center Choir under the direction of Ken Shoemaker come and visit our congregation for the very first time. Nearly 40 people came along with faculty member David Johnson who gave the sermon. After services we treated everyone to a potluck with an international theme. Special thanks to Andrea Pacelli who coordinated the special touches to make this an memorable occasion.

Thank you ABC!!! You really inspired our congregation.    Click here to listen to the choir as you watch the photos below.    
or for STREAMING audio

Those who came

Song-leader Conrad Richter plans song-service

Praising God through song

Jessica does solo

Mike Grovak speaking to the Johnson's

Elder Tom Peine publicly thanks ABC for their service

To be married soon

Director Ken Shoemaker going through repertoire


ABC student from South Africa Conrad Richter leading songs

Visiting speaker Dave Johnson with wife Becky



The Potluck

Richter and Kubik

The ABC Students helped with take-down after the meal!!

Always a photo of granddaughter Alyssa included


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